Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Brotherly love

Kaleb and Chase are slowly starting to have fun together. Most of the time I will find them entertaining each other while I am cooking dinner so I will keep the camera in the kitchen and run over when I see them acting cute.

It's like a Chinese new year all year round at our house.When I first started weaning Chase would not take a bottle from me so Kaleb was pretty helpful.
Chase can hold his own with his grab-the-hair-and-twist move (which he has been practicing on me for months)
Kaleb's been trying to teach Chase to crawl. (Actually, Chase will see something he wants and then cry until Kaleb goes and gets it for him.)
Chase gets to benefit from Kaleb's behavior chart rewards and enjoy the Bob the builder rides at Chuck E Cheese.
One of the boys favorite things is bath time. Chase hates for me to wash his face or wipe his nose, but laughs so hard when Kaleb splashes water in his face.

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