Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The year of the BATMAN

When Kaleb was 2 he was obsessed with Thomas the train....Now that he is 3 he has moved on to bigger and bolder things...BATMAN! He got the batman cave for Christmas and plays with it non stop...he has batman clothes, pajamas, underwear, socks and sunglasses. He eats, breathes and sleeps batman. Below he is on the way to school for pajama day.
Here he is at the dinner table as the Riddler battles it out with Batman. The other day at dinner he stated "When I grow up, I'm going to be a GREAT BAD GUY!"
He is so rambunctious and has no fear. Here he is at the zoo doing dives off the platform and running at diving into forward rolls with some bigger kids. They did this over and over for about 10 min until we had to go....man, I wish I still had that much energy.

Despite all his excitement to fight bad guys and run around like crazy, he has a big compassionate heart. Our life group has decided to do a service project every month and involve the kids so they learn how to give. In January we collected toys for an orphanage in Africa that our friends were adopting from. We told Kaleb that there were boys and girls in Africa with no toys...He said, "That makes me sad" I thought that's nice, but what is he really going to do when he starts to see his toys go in the box...well, he seemed happy to give them...later he even wanted to give his vitamins to the kids in Africa...(I'm sure they need them even more than toys). We're so proud of him and are so glad he's such a passionate guy (even if it is about batman)!

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