Saturday, May 16, 2009

Melmo and Cracka!

Kaleb has become obsessed with Elmo and Cookie Monster. We got a Sesame Street DVD at a consignment sale not knowing how it would change our lives. He wants to watch it every day and runs around the house saying "Kracka!" and "Melmo". I think he calls him cracka b/c I interchange animal cracker and animal cookie alot.

Lately he has not been wanting to drink his milk and only wants juice, which we give him in a different sippy cup (one w/ elmo on it). So, last week I gave him milk in his Elmo sippy cup and he has been downing his milk every since- Who knew it was the cup? Also, Kaleb does not like to brush his teeth so we got him an electric Elmo and Cookie Monster toothbrush and he wants to brush his teeth all the time now!! Melmo, Mommy loves you!

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