Thursday, January 12, 2012

Christmas in Virginia

After the 12 hour car ride (that is usually 9 w/o kids) we finally got to Virginia. Not the best way to spend my birthday, but we did celebrate properly the next day. (and Jason took me to the Guns N' Roses concert earlier in December which is the best birthday present EVER!!!)

Richmond has been having a famous "Tacky Light tour" for several years now. It is even featured on TLC. We have been trying to stop by a few house each year to add to the Christmas cheer. The boys loooved all the lights.
This house had alot of homemade lights. He made them from particle board and drilled holes for the lights and decorated them. It was very impressive. This guy got a lot of air time on TLC and he has security cameras from all angles on the roof. The next door neighbors house had a sign that said "What's the point, Ditto>".
My two little snowmen...
We left cookies and milk out for Santa and some carrots for the reindeer.Here is Kaleb with all his loot. His favorite is the Mario Brothers game that he has been playing non-stop since Christmas.
Chase's favorite gift is his Barbie size Ironman. He also loves hats and got a cowboy and pirate hat. The funniest part of this picture is Jason in the mirror trying to get Chase to look up and smile.

We enjoyed decorating a gingerbread house. The best part about it was that it was already put together. We have had other disasterous houses in the past. We enjoyed eating it too!
And Chase tried hard too...
Kaleb and Papa had some good times wrestling.
We had a great and relaxing Christmas in Virginia and then stopped in Knoxville on the way home to celebrate with Jason's side. Apparently we did not bring our camera in. After that stop it was a tight squeeze in the car.

After we got home it was back to business. :( but the kids still had fun helping (haha) to put the Christmas decorations.
Chase can hold his own...and yes we were aware of the "do not let your kids play in plastic boxes" sticker that was on the top of the storage bin.

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