Sunday, April 11, 2010

Kaleb Happenings

Yes, I know, it's been an extraordinary amount of time since I have written, as I am sure you are all waiting on the edge of your computer chairs to see what Kaleb has been up to for the last 4 months. Well, here are just a few. For about a week, Kaleb decided that the tree in his room by his bed was "scary" and he made us take it out every night. Luckily, it didnt last forever. But he is starting to think things in the dark are scary now. Somehow, I will use that to my advantage...One night we were sitting in the kitchen eating dinner and all of the sudden Kaleb jumps up and runs to the dining room and says Hi Big Bird! Hi Elmo! Hi Oscar! We said "where are they Kaleb?" and he directed us to each of their chairs that they were sitting in. For a few nights he was consistent on who sat in what chair. This was the first incidence where we realized he was imagining. Ah, man, he's growing up!
Crocagators! as Kaleb calls them....While I was gone to Africa visiting my sister (another posting) Kaleb became obsessed with crocagators and took them everywhere he went...he read to them...
He bathed with them...
and he slept with them (not pictured)....i'm glad he has so many friends!

Kaleb has been saying his ABC's for a while...we have those ABC fridge magnets that sing and he loves them. He sings with such vigor!

He also loves to sing other songs such as Jesus loves me, itsy bitsy spider, row-row your boat, he's got the whole world in his hands, twinkle-twinkle, monkeys jumping on the bed...and the list goes on....

One day we were grocery shopping and he was being very irritating...throwing things out of the cart, climbing out of his seat, know, typical 2 year old...i had about reached the end of my rope and he started singing Jesus loves me in his little high pitched first I thought "yea, he's the only one that could love you right now" but then my bitter heart melted into his innocence...i needed that moment.

1 comment:

This Is Stupid said...

Amy, you made me laugh. I have also had that thought that Jesus is just about my kids only hope at that moment!