Monday, June 16, 2008

And he's off...

Well, last weekend Kaleb moved from his stomach to a sitting position while Jason's parents were in town. We were so excited. After that he started doing it all the time. If he starts crying in the middle of the night, we'll go in his room and he is sitting up. I think it's his new favorite position. He looks like an owl, sitting up half asleep.

So this weekend he started taking 2-3 crawl steps at a time and we figured it wouldn't be long. He has been army crawling for a couple weeks now and getting up on his knees and rocking, but then falling flat on his face b/c he didnt realize he needed to move his arms too. But tonight, he crawled across the room using his arms and legs. We spent the whole rest of the night putting things of interest across the room so he would go get them. I never though that this could be so entertaining!

1 comment:

This Is Stupid said...

Yea! Now your life will never be the same!! Have fun =)